Piano Entertainment in the San Francisco Bay area

Return to Mark Hopkins

I was excited to return once again to the Mark Hopkins Hotel to play another cocktail hour.  Alexandra happened to be touring the facility while I was setting up for my last gig at the MH in May, so by chance she was able to hear a bit of my repetoire.  Alexandra and Brandon’s wedding weekend was during once of the busiest weekends in recent San Francisco history, with Fleet Week, the Hardly Strictly Bluegrass Festival, and America’s Cup racing happening all at the same time.  The hotel was packed and getting there was exciting to say the least, but the wedding reception seemed to go off perfectly.  I once again played on the grand piano in the Room of the Dons, which has some stunning views of the surrounding city.

Working with Alix and Brandon was really great; they are a fun and laid-back couple and super easy to coordinate with.  I put together a set list for them including some standard jazz tunes, some Gershwin, and a bit of a local touch too.

2012.10.06 – Alexandra and Brandon Playlist